Monday, August 11, 2008
Merits and demerits of ComboFix:
ComboFix contains some predetermined commands that help the users to delete around 8 infected files at the same time. The integrated engine of this application is powerful enough to clean up all the files including the hidden files or the locked ones unlike the other tools that let you delete the infected files only. Though this is considered to be an effective application there are certain limitations as well. First of all this function was introduced to delete a particular type of function which is the reason for its incapability to eliminate the other viruses which are equally harmful for a computer. Secondly if you wish to have continuous functionality then you will require updating them on a regular basis. If your computer contains a root kit then the usage of ComboFix is not advisable for you. The reason is that ComboFix might end up deleting some of the important files from your system with an instruction from the root kit. If you have decided to use ComboFix then there are certain precautions that you need to take. If you have a previous history of virus infection or currently facing this sort of a problem then make sure that this is solely because of spyware. In case this is not something related to spyware you will have to stop ComboFix from working as this can lead to the deletion of some important files which are very important for your system to run smoothly.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Role of Fluorochemicals in Agriculture
Since the late 1990's, governments around the world have been bombarded with pressure from environmental groups to ban the use of fluorine-derived chemicals in drinking water, organic foods and other consumables. As more and more studies about these chemicals are sponsored and brought to light, many environmental and public health groups are taking steps in an attempt to force governments to completely abolish the use of this "sometimes" poisonous element.
Fluorochemicals have many different uses and roles in agriculture. The most common use is to protect crops in the field as an ingredient in pesticides and herbicides. It has nearly taken the place of bromomethane, a pesticide that came under fire for its toxicity to the environment. Fluorine provides a viable and valuable alternative to bromomethane in pest-control products, and its introduction has led to the development of new and more active ingredients for pesticide purposes. Fluoro compounds also may be added to soil to sterilize it before specific crops are sowed into it. As a soil sterilizing agent, fluorine can neutralize any growth by crops other than those intended to be grown there. By reducing the growth of anything other than the target product, fluorine can help ensure that there are enough nutrients in the soil for that one crop.
In addition, fluoridation helps decontaminate water that might otherwise be useless for irrigating crops. The water fluoridation process is integral to watering and sustaining the crops, and of course, in providing water for cattle and other animals. New processes in processing are producing fluorochemicals that are less toxic to the environment and deliver more advantages in agriculture. As the industry continues to grow, they will continue to find ways to make these chemicals more productive and safer to use.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Cold Fusion Part-2
There is no fully developed model for cold fusion yet. The hypothesis behind the phenomenon is however very simple: All particles behave according to quantum mechanical laws. These laws say that the coordinates and energy state of a particle at one point in time determine the probability of finding a particle at a place with some given coordinates at another point of time, but the exact place cannot be predicted. Actually, a particle can be found anywhere at that other time point, but all places do not have the same probability. Some places are very probable, and others are very improbable. Because of this, even a particle that is not in any net motion nevertheless will shift place randomly to some extend, usually very little, but sometimes more.
By bringing particles and nuclei very near each other by using some force, this will happen: The quantum mechanical behavior will as always make the particles shift their position more or less all the time, and sometimes they get near enough to let the strong nuclear forces to take action and make them fuse.
According to standard understanding of the standard theory, this cannot happen in such a degree to be detected. Still it does. Either the standard theory is not complete, or one has not learned to use the theory in a right fashion. The mathematical apparatus of the theory is so complicated, that it is impossible to predict what can happen and what cannot happen with a short glance at the equations. Cold fusion differs in many aspects from warm fusion. It is difficult to produce warm fusion of other things than one deuterium and one tritium kernel. By cold fusion, two deuterium kernels easily fuse to helium, and even fusion involving hydrogen kernels (free protons) have been reported. Output of neutrons (n), tritium (T), protons (p) and gamma radiation has been reported by cold fusion, but not in the amount predicted by standard understanding. These are the reactions that standard understanding predicts when two deuterium kernels fuse: D + D --> 3He + n, D + D --> T + p, D + D --> 4He + gamma photon.
Cold Fusion Part-1
In 1989 the chemistry professors Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishman reported that they had achieved cold fusion in a palladium anode emerged in a solution of sodium deuteroxide in heavy water D2O. Due to a bad exactness of their report, only few other scientists managed to replicate their findings in the first place. The findings were then dismissed as due to misunderstandings and bad scientific practice, and the matter of cold fusion has since been regarded as a taboo area. However, some scientists did manage to replicate the findings, and quietly an enormous amount of positive research findings based on experiments of a lot better quality have been published. The phenomenon is again becoming accepted as a legitimate field of research by steadily more scientists. However, what is really going on is not well understood. Heat production, detected radiation and detected fusion products suggest that some kind of nuclear reaction or fusion takes place, but the reactions do not show the amount of radiation and the ratios of products that known hot fusion reactions do. Therefore other names of the phenomenon are often used, like Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or (LENR) or Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR).
By fusion two or more atomic nuclei, protons or neutrons fuse together to form a new atomic nucleus. The new nucleus is held together by the strong forces between the heavy particles, protons and neutrons. These forces are so strong that they win over the repulsing electromagnetic forces between protons. However, the strong forces only work at a short distance. Therefore the nucleons (neutrons and protons) must be brought very close together. This is difficult because of the repulsing electromagnetic forces between the protons. In traditional fusion this is achieved by very high pressure and temperature in the fusing material.
The mass of a helium nucleus (consisting of two protons and two neutrons) and other light nuclei are less than the mass of the same number of free protons, neutrons or deuterium nuclei. A deuterium nucleus consists of one proton and one neutron. Heavy water contains deuterium instead of ordinary hydrogen and is therefore designed D2O. When fusion takes place, this mass difference cannot be lost. It is converted to kinetic energy and gamma radiation. Therefore fusion of protons, neutrons or kernels of the very lightest elements into heavier elements is a very potent energy source. One has not been able to make a controlled fusion by high temperature and pressure that yields more energy than the input energy yet. The only practical way one has managed to exploit the energy from warm fusion is the hydrogen bomb.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
One big advantage to having access to some of the devices with the Bluetooth technology is the opportunity one gains to conduct a “conversation” between mobile and stationary technological items. The Bluetooth car kit underlines the plus side of having access to the Bluetooth technology. The Bluetooth car kit sets the stage for a “conversation” between a mobile and a stationary electrical gadget. For example, the Bluetooth car kit permits a cell phone in the garage to communicate with a home computer. Thanks to Bluetooth, a car driver with a cell phone could sit inside a car and send a message to a home computer. By the same token, Bluetooth technology could allow a car to send a message to a personal computer. Such a message could inform a car owner that the motor vehicle sitting in the garage needed an oil change, rotation of the tires or some other routine procedure.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Along with the standard 10BASE-T, there is also today what is known as Fast Ethernet. Properly designated as 100BASE-T, this form of Ethernet is capable of producing transmission speeds that are up to one hundred megabits per second. Generally, Fast Ethernet is used as a backbone for the LAN system, with the 10BASE-T cards used for the workstations that are supported by the LAN. Gigabit Ethernet takes the process one step further. This form of Ethernet will provide up to one thousand megabits per second and is an excellent option for large networks that require a great deal of support to manage local and remote work stations.10-Gigabit Ethernet provides the greatest power currently available. This type of Ethernet offers up to ten billion bits per second, making it the fastest version currently available.
High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)
HDMI, or high definition multimedia interface, is a type of audio and video interface that is used for the transmission of uncompressed digital streams. Essentially, HDMI can be considered an alternative method to transmitting data streams, rather than making use of conventional methods such as coaxial cabling, VGA, or component video equipment. Quite a number of devices and sources on the market today will work with the use of HDMI. The Blu-Ray disc player, a relatively new innovation, was created with the use of HDMI specifically in mind. Most personal computers that are sold today are ready for use with HDMI, as are the majority of video game consoles in the stores currently. A set-top box also is usually compatible with HDMI, as are such entertainment options as digital television. Essentially, any type of computer interface today will function with the use of HDMI.
HDMI will work with a single cable connection to such devices as televisions or personal computers. In general, HDMI will function fine with any television or PC that is standard, enhanced, or high definition in the video component. However, it is important to note that HDMI does work independently of many of the DTV standards, although use of HDMI will not impact the quality of the digital transmission. Generally, these standards apply to some configurations of MPEG movie clips and files. Since these are compressed, HDMI will simply decompress the data and make it possible to view the clip.
No. There is a range of specifications that are employed by HDMI, and a given device will be manufactured to comply with one of those specifications. The most simplistic specification is identified as 1.0. With each succeeding version, the capabilities of the previous version remain intact, but are joined by other capabilities that will allow the version to function with a given device. Because technology is always advancing, HDMI continues to advance as well. However, older versions remain active, as they are often used with devices that require less functionality, and they also continue to be helpful in situations where older systems are still running and are in operation. HDMI was created and has been enhanced by the efforts of several prominent names in the computer and electronics industry. Consumers will recognize the names of Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Silicon Image as just part of the roster of corporations involved in the ongoing enhancement of HDMI.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Broadband Television
What do you like watching on television? Whether you prefer talent shows, reality TV, movies or sports, you can find a channel for everything nowadays. Although the age-old concept of watching the TV as a family may have changed over the years, many of us remain glued to our sets as we catch up on soap operas and award-winning documentaries. And now more of us are making use of our broadband connections in order to watch television. With the rise of video-sharing websites such as YouTube and the introduction of applications that will allow you to watch programs from a certain channel, we now have a greater degree of choice in both what we watch and when we watch it.
Internet television has seen huge advances and growing popularity since it was launched, and now more television stations around the world are making use of the trend, combined with the growing popularity of cheap broadband in order to capture viewers. And with more of us making use of the internet in our everyday lives, we have been given the chance to escape the sofa and watch programmes we’ve missed without the use of expensive set-top boxes. With a wide range of subjects available for viewing, from sporting events to political debates, it has never been easier to access up-to-date information and programmes at times that suit us, all from the comfort of our laptops.
And as technology becomes more advanced, both online and offline, internet television continues to develop, with some services offering features such as user interaction whilst viewing programs – without covering up the screen with annoying pop-ups and disrupting the viewing experience. So now, as well as viewing high-quality videos on a full screen, viewers can now not only search for biographies on actors, information on places seen on screen, but also jump to certain parts of scenes by using keywords. In order to make the most of such services, it is advisable to make sure your connection is up-to-speed through use of a broadband speed test. As technology develops, more of us are making use of affordable computers and laptops, cheaper broadband and a wide range of online services. And as more of us turn to watching television online, could this perhaps be a turning point for ‘couch potatoes’?
Mobile Satellite Internet
It was only a few short years ago when motorists thought GPS navigation systems were too expensive and unnecessary expenses…now most new cars offer these as standard features. Families and business travelers can receive local news, live traffic updates, weather, sports, and other programs. The next move will be to standardizing mobile satellite internet into vehicles as well. Many SUV's already can be easily equipped with a satellite antenna which brings the internet on the road without the need for local wi-fi hot spots or receivers. More importantly than benefiting from the luxury of having everything at our fingertips, mobile satellite internet is imperative for businesses and organizations with remote and field offices. With a quickly growing mobile workforce, business satellite internet reduces the downtime or lag time caused by limited or delayed on-the-road communications. As cell phones and pdas become more equipped with more advanced mobile technologies, we are well on the way for mobile satellite internet becoming an everyday standard.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Noise Pollution reduction with the help of Acoustic Foam
Nowadays basically we have people living on top of each other, underneath each other and in fact all over the place and more importantly interfacing with modern day technologies in ways that hitherto would have thought to have been impossible. As such the use of the acoustic foam and the noise dampening systems are essential.If we take for example the situation in many cities nowadays when we have whole plethoras of modern communication links such as underground railway systems, over ground railway systems, modern two-way flyovers and in fact transports communications and residential accommodation right next to each other. Without adequate noise reduction systems in place and incorporated within the structure of the residential and work accommodation than pretty quickly life within these new cities would become pretty intolerable.
As we have said before, enter stage left acoustic foam. Without these new technologies providing the noise insulation, the quality of life in most built up areas would be appalling. At this point it becomes pretty obvious to all concerned quite what a debt we owe to noise reduction systems and soundproofing in general that quite often mere words on no longer enough.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Flat Screen Monitors
Flat screen monitors have significant advantages over the traditional CRT monitors. Because these monitors are perfectly flat visually and physically, they offer a clearer, more vivid and undistorted pictures from any angle. The images on a flat panel monitor is much more crisp and high quality. This is the reason why flat screen monitors significantly reduce eye strain among its users, another important advantage. There is no curvature on the screen’s surface that will distort any on-screen images. And since the pictures are sharper with more brilliant colours, staring at a flat screen monitor becomes more of a pleasure than a strain. Flat screen monitors are also much more ergonomic. This means that these types of monitors follow ergonomic requirements and thus add comfort and convenience for the worker. The flat screen monitor is viewable from any angle and is typically fitted on a swivel base with adjustable headlight. This allows for more freedom of movement for the user since the flat screen monitor can be easily adjusted to meet the specific viewing needs. Flat screen monitors are also very space-efficient taking up less desk real estate than older computer monitors. Most LCD flat screen monitors are only about an inch thick and weighs nearly five kilograms.
Career in Architecture
In addition to designing a home or building, architecture also includes making adjustments to already developed plans. This may include altering blueprints for a home or business in order to be customized to the individual’s needs. Many individuals hire an architect to design their construction, but others decide to enlist a professional later. If problems arise in the construction or they simply need a helping hand, many individuals and companies turn to the world of architecture for a professional evaluation and redesign. Concerns surrounding both energy costs and safety have, in recent years, prompted many areas to require an architect’s seal be placed on a blueprint prior to construction. In addition to the actual design process, many architects review plans and offer consultation services on independent creations.While many architects find great success within a firm or working directly with homebuilders, many find that they are happy working on a freelance or consultant basis. This means that they work directly with the company or individual, own and operate their own business and handle every decision within the company. The freedom of self employment in the world of architecture can be very fulfilling, both financially and emotionally. Much like a doctor, lawyer or accountant who branches out into their own private practice, an architect may also enjoy that same freedom.
Friday, April 18, 2008
How to choose hard drive for your computer
You can have a huge hard drive, but it will be worthless if it doesn't move data fast enough for your computer! To find data, hard drives have platters on spindles that spin, similar to a CD. How fast a hard drive spins is measured in RPM (revolutions per minute). The higher a hard drive's RPM is, the faster it will perform. Desktop hard drives almost always have 7200 RPM hard drives. Laptop hard drives can range from 4200 RPM to 5400 RPM for budget and midrange uses and 7200 RPM for high end use. Hard drives with RPMs of 10,000 or more are available, but those are mainly for gamers, computer enthusiasts, and servers.
A hard drive's cache is also another important performance indicator. A hard drive's cache will hold frequently accessed data for faster access by the computer. A good hard drive will have at least 8 MB of cache. As with RPM, the more cache a hard drive has, the better. Hard drives generally have either an SATA or IDE connection. Both connections are for attaching the hard drive to the motherboard via a cable so that data can be sent and received to and from the computer and drive. SATA is the newest connection and is better than IDE in that it can be faster and uses a much smaller cable. IDE, however, is just as fast as IDE in real world performance testa and hard drives that use IDE are cheaper than SATA hard drives. However, IDE hard drives use large cables that can restrict airflow. Fortunately, you can buy a rounded IDE cable that is not as big for $5-$10 at almost any computer supply store or online computer part retailer, such as or Fry's Electronics.
Satellite Communication Technology
One small problem with satellite communication technology, however, is the sheer distance involved in communicating with orbiting satellites, which can cause a slight delay in transmission time. This, of course, is of no consequence to satellite radio, but it can be a slight problem for two-way communication services such as broadband and phone. The only way to reduce the time delay involved in satellite transmission is to use lower orbits for satellites, thus reducing the distance involved in transmission. Lower orbits are already being used for some purposes, but there are many challenges that must be overcome in order to make such a transition. Advancements in satellite technology have been plentiful in the past few years, and more are expected in the future. It will be very interesting to watch the development of this evolving technology over the coming years and beyond.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spam Filtering Softwares
Every day you get many mails in your mail box. But due to these spam mails you are not able to find and read your personal and important mails by send your relatives, friends and partners. These spam mails make you irritate and you avoid checking your mailbox. Spam mails are also known as junk mails, bulk mails, business mails and unsolicited junk e-mail. Main drawback of these kinds of mails is that they disturb your computer’s personal information. Some of spam mails contain spyware. These spyware take your IP address and always try to change your personal information and harm your computer security. This is a very serious matter raised by the spam mails. The unwanted commercial e-mail, known as Spam, is turning out to be an acute threat for the organizations and even individual users. In present time, spam, or the unsolicited junk e-mail, has become one of the biggest hazard intimidating the Web world, and removing this menace from the computers has become a 'task' in itself. As per expert researches, worldwide, the cost of spam varies from millions to billions of dollars. All the security companies and researchers are working hard to find out ways to get rid of this ever-increasing giant and integrate spam filters into popular mail systems like Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, 2003 and 2007.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Internet Marketing Methods
Most business owners will start an enterprise that they interested in or are knowledgeable about. This knowledge and eagerness to learn about the product can be an effective source of internet marketing. Many business owners are now using their education and proficiency to write informational articles to submit to e-zines and article directories. Most owners will write the articles free of charge in exchange for a byline and credentials to be published under their work. This is currently one of the best free forms of internet marketing available. There are thousands of other marketers that are going through the same experience that you are. Networking can be a great way to compare similar internet marketing ideas, while also exchanging web site links and business information. When choosing networking partners for your internet marketing campaign, be sure that the individuals are a respected and honoured member of the business community. To be successful in internet marketing, you must be friendly and inviting, while also staying aware of your business associates.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Software Engineering
The advancement in technology that we have experienced over recent years has allowed for significant progress to be made in all the fields of activity. Companies and enterprises from all industries can take their performance and productivity to the next level by investing in information technologies. Increasing and maintaining high performance is an achievable goal, provided companies focus their efforts on enhancing the efficiency of applied tools. Dynamic control of the company’s existing applications and optimal use of its IT investments allows for the seizure of new business opportunities as well as for the development of new competitive advantages. Investing in information technology is not sufficient; companies are faced with the stringent need to find a comprehensive solution to tasks such as software design, construction, testing and maintenance. All these aspects are encompassed in what is referred to as software engineering.
Software engineering has proven to be not only an indispensable tool in the smooth functioning of a company or an enterprise, but a valuable one when it comes to performance tuning. Software engineering lies at the bottom of the constant change that we are all witnessing in the world today. Software engineering plays a major part in building the tools that enable computers to make this change. Therefore, the more pervasive computers and applications become, the more important is the role of software engineering. Software engineering encompasses everything from the development of database structures to working on embedded software or writing consumer-level applications. The integral role of software engineering in the development of software applications requires conceptual and design skills, in addition to programming ones.
Registry Cleaning Software
The registry cleaning process isn't as technical as you might think. The first step is an initial scan performed by the software looking for items like we described in the previous section. These might be old deleted files, invalid registry keys, or empty lines in your registry. After the complete scan has is done the software then moves onto the repair process. You have two options to repair the troubles that the software found during it's scan. One, you can have the registry cleaning software make the corrections automatically for you. Many first time users select this as their repair method, how ever it can cause more trouble then good. The second alternative to repair the items found during the scan is to manually review each item before it's repaired. While this can take a bit more time, it will ensure that valid registry entries are not deleted during the cleaning process.
Monday, April 7, 2008
GPS enabled Cell Phones

Web Animation and Designing
Animations can be used in various ways on a web page such as making a log presentation more interesting by activating charts that dynamically show changes over time. Again animated games are very popular on the Web, especially 3D games. Animation attracts the attention as it is dynamic. For example animated buttons on a web page attract more attention than the static buttons. When we speak of types of animations, the simplest type is an animated GIF. Animated GIFs are popular because they are easy to create and don’t require special software for viewing.
Flash is widely used to create animations for the Web because Flash animations are usually small in size and most Web users have the Flash player installed in their web browsers. In the future the animations on the Web will be more interactive and 3D animations will be widely used. Web animations will be used widely for education and entertainment. The gaming industry will increase its presence on the Web and support 3D and interactive animations. Animations that use simulations will be used for training and education. A lot of focus will be on multi user interactions and 3D animations and on making the Web more and more interactive.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Computer Forensics
Computer forensics can be used to track emails, instant messaging and just about any other form of computer related communications. This can be necessary, especially in the world where computers and data travel around the world in seconds. Packet sniffers can literally be placed within a data stream and provide information on what's running through the network in real time. This is really phenomenal considering the millions upon millions of data packets moving through any individual part of the network. Computer forensic science is an interesting niche in the law enforcement field that is seldom considered as a career. As it's relatively new, the field is considered by many to be wide open for anyone with the initiative to learn the skills. Unlike many computer related jobs, a computer forensic specialist will not be outsourced to a country on the other side of the world. The confidentiality of the data is just too sensitive to allow it to travel throughout the world just to save a little cash.
Web Conferencing Software Can Improve Your Business
Some solutions are really difficult to implement, requiring in-depth information technology skills. You require a fault-tolerant architecture that provides you with high online meeting reliability and availability. Your web conferencing software must work as you expect it to every time you want to use it. The solution payment plan can greatly impact on its successful implementation. Most providers will charge you on a pay-as-you-use basis. This payment option works against successful implementation. An increase in productivity can be achieved with a reduction in employee travel and its accompanying costs and discomfort. Your staff should have the confidence to frequently meet online to increase productivity with co-workers, employees and customers. The easier the software is to use, the more frequently it will be used. Your Internet meeting software solution should allow your meeting attendees to be in control of the online presentation when so required. The organizer of the meeting should be able to temporarily relinquish control to the rest of the participants. Your web conferencing solution must make clear economic sense. Online meeting software is available that will give you the above functionality for a flat fee of around $50 or $40 per month, depending on whether you take a monthly or yearly subscription.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
End of the Internet
According to a report, a research firm projected that user demand for the internet could outpace network capacity by 2011. The title of a debate scheduled next month at a technology conference in the Boston sums up the angst: “The end of the internet?" But the internet traffic surge represents more a looming challenge than catastrophe. Even those most concerned are not predicting a lights-out internet crash. Heavy traffic in the internet may lead to heavy delays and sloe downloads. According to researchers the internet will not collapse, but there will be a growing class of stuff that we will not be able to do online. But among this bad news there is good news too, and that is the technology for handling such massive internet traffic is advancing at an impressive pace as well.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Computer Networks: Routers, Firewall and Print Server
Firewall: A firewall controls traffic flow between your network and the Internet. A firewall can be either hardware or software. Windows XP SP2 or higher includes a software firewall. A hardware firewall is included with most routers. A firewall is a very good idea. It can protect you from inbound virus attempts. By inbound virus attempt I mean other computers that will connect to your computer and attempt to infect your computer. You do not want to run a computer directly connected to the Internet, without a firewall. There are just too many other computers out there that can connect and infect you without you even noticing.
Print Server: Just like you can buy a device to allow you to share a hard drive, you can do the same with a printer. A print server connects directly to your printer. Your printer is then shared to all of your computers on the network. This is convent because you do not need to leave the printer hooked to a computer, which must be turned on to print.
Computer Networks: Hub and Switch
Hub: A hub is a device that has several Ethernet ports on the back of the device. One of these ports will likely be labeled “Uplink”. This port allows you to connect multiple hubs together, if you run out of ports on your hub. If you do not have an uplink port on your hub, the hub cannot be easily extended if you run out of ports. A hub is a device that attaches multiple computers on an Ethernet network. If you have a number different computers that you want to connect together, you could connect each to the hub. Any packet that is sent out by any computer on the network will immediately be transmitted to the other computers. Each computer will determine if the packet was really intended for it, and filter out packets that were intended for other computers. You really should not use a hub in a modern home network. You should always use a switch in place of a hub. Switches will be discussed in the next section.
Switch: A switch is a device that has several Ethernet ports on the back of the device. One of these ports will likely be labeled “Uplink”. This port allows you to connect multiple switches together, if you run out of ports on your switch. If you do not have an uplink port on your switch, the switch cannot be easily extended if you run out of ports. A switch serves the same function as a hub. It allows you to connect multiple computers together, so that they can exchange packets. However, a switch is much more efficient than a hub. A switch will only send Ethernet packets to the computer that the packet was intended for. Because of this you should always use a switch in place of a hub.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Telescope And Astronomy

Architectural Outsourcing
For an architect or builder to outsource such work to these specialist companies, is a proposition of significant benefits. Not only it saves them costs but also takes the headache off their shoulders.Also, the architectural expertise and the design expertise of 3D modelling companies can be combined to create life-like models which would be utilized on the project website, brochures and other sale materials.After all, a real estate venture is not a virtual commodity and folks would like to have a glimpse of the future before they invest.Many architects have already realized this and a significant amount of work is being outsourced. Its time others realize it too and make a head start.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Global Warming
1. The Planets Temperature Has Increased And Average of 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.6 of a degree Celsius) in the last 100 years. With the increase in green house gasses, the suns rays stay trapped and increase the world’s temperature. It is predicted that the temperature will increase in coming years because more and more of the suns heat remains trapped here on earth.
2 The cause of the increase of climate change is Human activity producing pollution and green house gasses according to many scientists. Heavy industry vigorously emits carbon dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Ozone, and other gasses. With an increase in competition to create the most products of the best quality comes an increase in the production of green house gasses, but with new laws and filters, the amount of these gasses being emitted into the air has decreased.
3. If the temperature of the planet increases to a certain point, methane from the ocean can be released into the air and drastically increase the temperature of the earth to dangerous levels.
4. People say that deforestation is a contributor to global warming right? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), deforestation occurs at a rate of 53,000 square miles per year.
5. There are more than 50 things you can do to stop or slow global warming including, lowering your thermostat, choosing energy efficient appliances and, taking showers instead of baths. Global warming or not, preventing the waste of energy doesn’t hurt anyone.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Random Access Memory
There are two fundamental types of RAM: (a) Dynamic RAM (DRAM)(b) Static RAM (SRAM)
(a) Dynamic RAM (DRAM): Dynamic random access memory is the most common kind of RAM, which stores each bit of a data in a separate capacitor and a transistor. Capacitors tend to leak electrons, thus the need for recharging arises. Hence, DRAM, unlike SRAM needs to have its storage cells refreshed or given an electric charge every few milliseconds. This refresh requirement operation is from where dynamic RAM gets its name. DRAM is a volatile memory because it loses data when the power supply is stopped.
(b) Static RAM (SRAM): Static random access memory is the kind of RAM that holds its data without external refresh, as long the power remains applied, unlike DRAM that needs to be periodically refreshed. It is a type of memory that is faster and more reliable than DRAM (Dynamic RAM). Since, Static RAM operates on the principle of moving current, it is a volatile memory.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fluorescent Light

We have all heard that fluorescent bulbs are more efficient than incandescent ones, but why? Fluorescent bulbs utilize a more energy efficient process of producing the light that we see. The main difference between incandescent lighting and fluorescent lighting is in the process of stimulating the atoms. Incandescent light bulbs excite atoms through the introduction of heat, resulting in an excess of unused heat energy. Fluorescent light bulbs, on the other hand, utilize a chemical reaction to excite atoms without the same excess heat energy. Both types of bulbs create ultraviolet light, which is not visible to humans. But only fluorescent bulbs utilize a substance that converts the ultraviolet light to visible light, resulting in less wasted energy.
Windows Vista: Improvements
Improvements in Windows Vista are as follows:
1. Faster Boot and Resume: You will notice your system will be able to boot faster because of the way Windows Vista handle the scripts and application loading in the background.
2. New technology in Windows Vista can detect poor performance and tune up your system automatically.
3. Built-in Diagnostics: This nice feature will help find errors on your system and repair the problem for you or in the case of finding eminent disk failure will guide you through a backup process.
4. Increased Reliability: Windows
5. Automatic Recovery: Windows
As with every new operating system Windows Vista is not without its flaws. Most errors and issues out there have a work around. With time Vista will replace XP and users are sure to embrace many of the new
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
DNA Fingerprinting
Incorporating the legal system into using DNA evidence is often referred to as DNA forensic profiling. It is being used more and more to correctly identify the guilty criminal of a crime. It can be said of it to be the most effective way to identify the suspect and victim in any crime scene. By using the DNA print of someone, we can be certain to whether they are guilty of the crime committed or not. A DNA test can be used therefore not only to convict the criminal, but to be sure who the real victim of the crime committed was. Since this technology is relatively new, there are even certain organizations that are dedicated to help people who have previously been convicted of a crime and are now serving their sentences who perhaps, were innocent of the crime committed.
There have been many examples of people being released from prison after a legal DNA test showed that the DNA of the previously convicted criminal does not match that which was found at the crime scene. In many cases, some of these innocent people had already completed over half of their time sentenced in prison. Most of these DNA testing centers also provide other DNA testing services as well. There are a wide range of services that are offered, such things include doing a paternity test, finding out ancestry, finding out if you may have Native American Indian genes, or doing prenatal genetic testing. By finding out your DNA print, there is so much knowledge to be gained and your ancestry can be tracked back many years.
Using Nanotechnology for Enhancing Fuel Ability
As we are facing the uncertainly in supply of crude oil, as well as affluent prices, other fuel source is a happening and hot topic. An interesting option could be ethanol, now made out of plants like corn and sugar cane. Companies and universities are eagerly working to grow this process of making ethanol from many other kinds of plant substance; that might considerably augment the amount of ethanol accessible as fuel. Nanotechnology might be to assist this important effort. Researchers at Michigan State University are trying nanotechnology in a neat trick. They are heritably engineering corn to comprise the required enzyme. The plan is to make the enzyme unmoving until activated by high temperatures. When the cellulous part of the corn, like stalk, is procedures, the high giving out temperatures might set in motion the enzyme and change the cellulous to starch. This would avoid the added cost of creation the enzyme separately.
Researchers at the University of Rochester are as well studying how bacteria select an exacting enzyme, or enzymes, to break at specific kind of plant or other bio mass. They expect to make enzymes, which could change cellulous to ethanol in one step, other than the two steps used by the accessible processes. The advantage of cars that could be filled up with either fuel or ethanol has been verified in Brazil, they use much of its sugar cane crop to make ethanol. Using nanotechnology / genetic engineering to make ethanol from cellulous has the latent to make a serious dent in our use of crude oil. However we do require keeping an eye on some safety issues.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Antivirus Software
Antivirus software is very important for any computer system. Antivirus software protects the computers from various types of malicious programs, viruses and Trojans. If you want to make sure that you’re protected from viruses, you should get some antivirus software. This software can offer peace of mind, even for experienced computer users who would be unlikely to open a simple virus.
Antivirus software works in two ways. Firstly, it has a big ‘dictionary’ of viruses, allowing it to scan files and flag any that are known to be viral. Secondly, the software monitors the system for any suspicious activity. One method involves creating decoy files that are hidden from the user and monitoring them to see if they are altered – if they are, then it was almost certainly a virus.
The two giants of the antivirus industry are McAfee and Norton. They are both commercial software based on yearly subscriptions, and at this point there’s little to choose between them – some people swear by one, but just as many will swear by the other. However, both are quite expensive, especially if you buy them as part of the complete security suite.
If you want a free antivirus program, the best around is widely considered to be AVG (the Free Edition). It’s a small but effective antivirus application, popular firstly for being free and secondly for using hardly any system resources to run. AVG is capable of running very fast, even on older computers.
Buying a Flat Panel Monitor
1. Flat panel monitors use interfaces - analog or digital. The most up-to-date models have digital interface but an all-digital configuration costs more. If you are attaining an analog flat panel, you should attach it with a digital interface to your video card with a digital out jack to mainstream the signal.
2. Pixel-refresh response time: In a LCD display, the time required to switch from light to dark objects or vice versa, is referred to as Pixel-refresh response time. If the response time is poor (more than 40ms), you may see ghosting effect, i.e., the image seems to remain longer on the screen than it actually is!
Whereas in a text environment this would hardly matter, in a gaming or media centric environment the effect could be a nuisance. More inexpensive models give more ghosting than their steep alternatives. Also, pixel-refresh response time is not brought up on the monitors. You need to watch thoroughly to judge the performance of each model.
3. Viewing angle: One trouble with a flat panel monitor is its viewing angle. Laptop users must have experienced this problem. Moving away from the monitor in any way causes the display to look black! Different models offer different viewing angles horizontally and vertically.
4. Size: bigger is better, but with flat panel, remember 15-inch screen gives you the experience of a 17-inch CRT monitor. If you can pay for 17-inch flat panel, by all means, go for it, if not, a 15-inch screen should not be a disappointment.
Other things to check when buying a flat panel are guarantees and warranties. A three-year warranty is sufficient. People change the monitor settings in stores and while purchasing; make sure that you examine the piece thoroughly. You now have the basic information; all you need is time to check out the market!
Employee Surveillance
One example is that of Restaurant Business. Restaurants are a savior for those of use who do not have time to have lunch or dinner at home. When we go to a restaurant, we expect everything to be smooth from clean plates to nice service. And of course, we expect to have a tasty meal every time. But can we always be sure that we get exactly what we want? So how can we be sure that we eat a clean and tasty food? Well, secret employee surveillance helps us this time. Maybe no one would ever knew that such things happen, if no spy cameras were installed to monitor employees during their work day. In this case, employee surveillance at least, gives us some hope that such employees will think twice before doing something nasty.
In this case employee surveillance is very important. While there are many people who disagree and claim that monitoring employees infringes employee’s rights. They say that employee has to have privacy at home and at work, feel safe and secure all the time. Well, that might be true. However, employing various surveillance tools to monitor employees will definitely decrease the chance of money fraud or other illegal activity. If you warn your employees about spy cameras, they’ll definitely think twice before doing something illegal.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Largest Frog Ever to Hopped on earth
Scientists have found out what they claim as biggest, baddest, and meanest frogy ever to have hopped on earth. This giant frogy is much larger than the ones that are found in the present world. Scientists announced the discovery in north western Madagascar of a bulky amphibian that lived sixty five million to seventy million years ago and it was so nasty that it may have eaten newborn dinosaurs. This brute was larger than any frog that is living today and may be the biggest frog ever to have existed.
Its name, Beelzebufo ampinga, came from Beelzebub, the Greek for devil, and Bufo-Latin for toad. Ampinga means shield, named for armor like part of its anatomy. This frog was 16 inches long and weighed a 4.5 kilogram. It was powerfully built and possessed a very wide mouth and powerful jaws. With the help of its super jaw and claws it hunts down preys. Scientists claim that it is also possible that Beelzebufo took down lizards and mammals and smaller frogs and even considering its size possibly hatchling dinosaurs. This helps us to imagine that what would be the size of this devil frog. This newly discovered creature will provide us an insight to that period and the creatures that ruled planet earth in those times.
Most Powerful Laser Beam Created

Such high power beams could help scientists develop better proton and electron beams for radiation treatment of cancer. This laser beam can produce this intense beam once every ten seconds whereas other powerful lasers can take an hour to recharge. This laser beam is produced by putting a moderate amount of energy into a very, very short time. In addition to medical use, intense laser beams like these could help researchers explore new frontiers of life. At even more extreme intensities, laser beams could potentially boil the vacuum, which scientists theorize would generate matter by merely focusing light into space.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Signs of Extra-Terrestrial Life

This is my first blog.And, I am new in this world of blogging. I am trying to make this blog a general one. I will try to cover all the categories and topics. So, I hope that all you fellas will help me in understanding the very basics of blogging. That's all for today.
Hope all of you will like my blog.