Scientists have found out what they claim as biggest, baddest, and meanest frogy ever to have hopped on earth. This giant frogy is much larger than the ones that are found in the present world. Scientists announced the discovery in north western Madagascar of a bulky amphibian that lived sixty five million to seventy million years ago and it was so nasty that it may have eaten newborn dinosaurs. This brute was larger than any frog that is living today and may be the biggest frog ever to have existed.
Its name, Beelzebufo ampinga, came from Beelzebub, the Greek for devil, and Bufo-Latin for toad. Ampinga means shield, named for armor like part of its anatomy. This frog was 16 inches long and weighed a 4.5 kilogram. It was powerfully built and possessed a very wide mouth and powerful jaws. With the help of its super jaw and claws it hunts down preys. Scientists claim that it is also possible that Beelzebufo took down lizards and mammals and smaller frogs and even considering its size possibly hatchling dinosaurs. This helps us to imagine that what would be the size of this devil frog. This newly discovered creature will provide us an insight to that period and the creatures that ruled planet earth in those times.
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