Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Employee Surveillance

Employee Surveillance is an emerging trend. It is a very powerful method of keeping one's business and employees in proper control. Using spy cameras for secret surveillance is not a surprise anymore. There are many examples, like banks, super markets or parking lots. However, one example of secret surveillance that is employee surveillance is widely debatable. Sure, the company has to protect its equipment or intellectual property. However, employee, as every civilian of a modern society has to have rights to his or her own privacy.

One example is that of Restaurant Business. Restaurants are a savior for those of use who do not have time to have lunch or dinner at home. When we go to a restaurant, we expect everything to be smooth from clean plates to nice service. And of course, we expect to have a tasty meal every time. But can we always be sure that we get exactly what we want? So how can we be sure that we eat a clean and tasty food? Well, secret employee surveillance helps us this time. Maybe no one would ever knew that such things happen, if no spy cameras were installed to monitor employees during their work day. In this case, employee surveillance at least, gives us some hope that such employees will think twice before doing something nasty.

In this case employee surveillance is very important. While there are many people who disagree and claim that monitoring employees infringes employee’s rights. They say that employee has to have privacy at home and at work, feel safe and secure all the time. Well, that might be true. However, employing various surveillance tools to monitor employees will definitely decrease the chance of money fraud or other illegal activity. If you warn your employees about spy cameras, they’ll definitely think twice before doing something illegal.

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