Since the late 1990's, governments around the world have been bombarded with pressure from environmental groups to ban the use of fluorine-derived chemicals in drinking water, organic foods and other consumables. As more and more studies about these chemicals are sponsored and brought to light, many environmental and public health groups are taking steps in an attempt to force governments to completely abolish the use of this "sometimes" poisonous element.
Fluorochemicals have many different uses and roles in agriculture. The most common use is to protect crops in the field as an ingredient in pesticides and herbicides. It has nearly taken the place of bromomethane, a pesticide that came under fire for its toxicity to the environment. Fluorine provides a viable and valuable alternative to bromomethane in pest-control products, and its introduction has led to the development of new and more active ingredients for pesticide purposes. Fluoro compounds also may be added to soil to sterilize it before specific crops are sowed into it. As a soil sterilizing agent, fluorine can neutralize any growth by crops other than those intended to be grown there. By reducing the growth of anything other than the target product, fluorine can help ensure that there are enough nutrients in the soil for that one crop.
In addition, fluoridation helps decontaminate water that might otherwise be useless for irrigating crops. The water fluoridation process is integral to watering and sustaining the crops, and of course, in providing water for cattle and other animals. New processes in processing are producing fluorochemicals that are less toxic to the environment and deliver more advantages in agriculture. As the industry continues to grow, they will continue to find ways to make these chemicals more productive and safer to use.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Role of Fluorochemicals in Agriculture
Friday, June 6, 2008
Cold Fusion Part-2
There is no fully developed model for cold fusion yet. The hypothesis behind the phenomenon is however very simple: All particles behave according to quantum mechanical laws. These laws say that the coordinates and energy state of a particle at one point in time determine the probability of finding a particle at a place with some given coordinates at another point of time, but the exact place cannot be predicted. Actually, a particle can be found anywhere at that other time point, but all places do not have the same probability. Some places are very probable, and others are very improbable. Because of this, even a particle that is not in any net motion nevertheless will shift place randomly to some extend, usually very little, but sometimes more.
By bringing particles and nuclei very near each other by using some force, this will happen: The quantum mechanical behavior will as always make the particles shift their position more or less all the time, and sometimes they get near enough to let the strong nuclear forces to take action and make them fuse.
According to standard understanding of the standard theory, this cannot happen in such a degree to be detected. Still it does. Either the standard theory is not complete, or one has not learned to use the theory in a right fashion. The mathematical apparatus of the theory is so complicated, that it is impossible to predict what can happen and what cannot happen with a short glance at the equations. Cold fusion differs in many aspects from warm fusion. It is difficult to produce warm fusion of other things than one deuterium and one tritium kernel. By cold fusion, two deuterium kernels easily fuse to helium, and even fusion involving hydrogen kernels (free protons) have been reported. Output of neutrons (n), tritium (T), protons (p) and gamma radiation has been reported by cold fusion, but not in the amount predicted by standard understanding. These are the reactions that standard understanding predicts when two deuterium kernels fuse: D + D --> 3He + n, D + D --> T + p, D + D --> 4He + gamma photon.
Cold Fusion Part-1
In 1989 the chemistry professors Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishman reported that they had achieved cold fusion in a palladium anode emerged in a solution of sodium deuteroxide in heavy water D2O. Due to a bad exactness of their report, only few other scientists managed to replicate their findings in the first place. The findings were then dismissed as due to misunderstandings and bad scientific practice, and the matter of cold fusion has since been regarded as a taboo area. However, some scientists did manage to replicate the findings, and quietly an enormous amount of positive research findings based on experiments of a lot better quality have been published. The phenomenon is again becoming accepted as a legitimate field of research by steadily more scientists. However, what is really going on is not well understood. Heat production, detected radiation and detected fusion products suggest that some kind of nuclear reaction or fusion takes place, but the reactions do not show the amount of radiation and the ratios of products that known hot fusion reactions do. Therefore other names of the phenomenon are often used, like Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or (LENR) or Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR).
By fusion two or more atomic nuclei, protons or neutrons fuse together to form a new atomic nucleus. The new nucleus is held together by the strong forces between the heavy particles, protons and neutrons. These forces are so strong that they win over the repulsing electromagnetic forces between protons. However, the strong forces only work at a short distance. Therefore the nucleons (neutrons and protons) must be brought very close together. This is difficult because of the repulsing electromagnetic forces between the protons. In traditional fusion this is achieved by very high pressure and temperature in the fusing material.
The mass of a helium nucleus (consisting of two protons and two neutrons) and other light nuclei are less than the mass of the same number of free protons, neutrons or deuterium nuclei. A deuterium nucleus consists of one proton and one neutron. Heavy water contains deuterium instead of ordinary hydrogen and is therefore designed D2O. When fusion takes place, this mass difference cannot be lost. It is converted to kinetic energy and gamma radiation. Therefore fusion of protons, neutrons or kernels of the very lightest elements into heavier elements is a very potent energy source. One has not been able to make a controlled fusion by high temperature and pressure that yields more energy than the input energy yet. The only practical way one has managed to exploit the energy from warm fusion is the hydrogen bomb.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
One big advantage to having access to some of the devices with the Bluetooth technology is the opportunity one gains to conduct a “conversation” between mobile and stationary technological items. The Bluetooth car kit underlines the plus side of having access to the Bluetooth technology. The Bluetooth car kit sets the stage for a “conversation” between a mobile and a stationary electrical gadget. For example, the Bluetooth car kit permits a cell phone in the garage to communicate with a home computer. Thanks to Bluetooth, a car driver with a cell phone could sit inside a car and send a message to a home computer. By the same token, Bluetooth technology could allow a car to send a message to a personal computer. Such a message could inform a car owner that the motor vehicle sitting in the garage needed an oil change, rotation of the tires or some other routine procedure.